The measuring electrode is usually glass and quite fragile. Recent developments have replaced the glass with more durable solid-state sensors. The preamplifier is a signal-conditioning device. It takes the high-impedance pH electrode signal and changes it into alow impedance signal which the analyzer or transmitter can accept.
- Heating voltage: 5±0.2V (AC -• DC)
- Working current : 5-10mA
- The detection concentration range: PH0-14
- The detection range of temperature: 0-80 centigrade
- The response time: ≤ 5S
- Stability time: ≤ 60S
- Power consumption : ≤ 0.5W
- The working temperature: -10~50 centigrade (the nominal temperature of 20 centigrade)
- Working humidity: 95%RH (nominal humidity 65%RH)
- Size : 42mm x 32mm x 20mm
- Weight: 25g
- The output: analog voltage signal output