Pixhawk Cube Orange Plus

37,760 Inc GST

features of Pixhawk Cube Orange Plus

1. High processing power with H7
2. 1MB RAM for H7 Processor
3. Redundant IMU 2 sets. These are mounted to reduce vibrations while on a vehicle
4. Can be used with different types of ground station software
5. ATM Cortex M7 latest CPU (Main CPU)
6. ARM Cortex M3 FailSafe CPU

American company but made in Taiwan.

Standard set includes

Orange Cube and ADSB carrier
Power prick mini
Wiring pack
USB cable
Fittings (tape screws)
Specifications of The Cube Orange

GPS module for Pixhawk Cube Orange can be purchased seperately. Here3. This is high precision global positioning system with accuracy
of centimeter level.

SKU: PRA-RC-0926 Category:


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